NetBeans and Eclipse will already come with the Java compiler, if you are building from the command line you will need to download the latest JDK from. So you will also need a Java 1.6 compiler to build the code. The source code files contain both Java 1.6 and JavaFX 1.1 source code files. I have never used NetBeans or Eclipse to build a JavaFX program, so I am not sure how good either of them works.

This article describes my learning experience and introduces the basics of programming in JavaFX. So over the course of about a month I wrote a Chess program written in JavaFX. I figured the best way to learn JavaFX would be to assign myself a programming project on a topic I'm interested in and to complete the project in the new language. I have been programming in Java for over 5 years and recently decided to teach myself JavaFX. Perhaps one day I'll write a better chess playing program and post an article called smart chess. So if you can't beat this chess program, then you are a worse player than me. I call it dummy chess because the algorithm I used just selects a move at random. In this article, I develop a Chess application that runs on the desktop.

It is most often compared to the new RIA languages from Microsoft (Silverlight) and Adobe (AIR). It's primary purpose is to make it easier to develop rich internet applications (RIAs) that can run on a variety of devices including PCs, mobile phones, and Blu-ray players.

Sun recently released a new programming language for the Java platform called JavaFX. Sample screen shot of the Chess program written in JavaFX Introduction